To develop RC flight models that are as light as possible and yet stable, it is necessary to work with as little filament as possible. Most slicers expect "waterproof" bodies that are simply filled with filament. To get flight models with the desired characteristics it is necessary to invent other methods and to get the slicers to create thin walled and super light parts in an unusual way. For our earlier models, we solved this with Cura's experimental SURFACE MODE function. These models require the Profile P3 and can ONLY be sliced with Cura! Our later developments, starting with the SHARD, are specifically designed for LW-PLA and are constructed completely differently. They can be printed with any slicer that offers Gyroid filling.
That's why we decided on a system of basic profiles that can be created once and then used to print all PLANEPRINT models. Use our WINGTEST v1.7 to check whether the parts are stable!
To find the settings, set your slicer to EXPERT and use the search function.

The Profile P1 is the simplest and corresponds to the most common application in 3D printing, namely bodies that are completely filled. You can print them with all slicers.
Select a standard profile for PLA and the nozzle 0.4 in the slicer. Change the following settings (the quickest way to find them is via the search field):
• Layer Height (and Initial Layer Height): 0.25mm
• Z Seam Alignment: User Specified, Position: Back
• Infill Density: 100 %
• Minimum Layer Time: 2.0
• Union Overlapping Volumes: checked
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P1
• Layer height (and first layer height): 0.25mm
• Seam position: Rear
• Sparse infill density: 100%
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P1
• Layer height (and first layer height): 0.25mm
• Seam position: Rear
• Fill density: 100%
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P1
Set the printing speed, fan and nozzle temperature so that you get very stable parts with good layer adhesion (depending on printer type and filament).

The Profile P2 differs from P1 in that the printed parts are hollow in the inside. You can print them with all slicers.
Select your profile P1 and change the following settings:
• Wall Line Count: 2
• Horizontal Expansion: 0
• Top Layers: 2
• Bottom Layers: 2
• Infill Density: 15 %
• Infill Pattern: Gyroid
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P2
• Perimeters: 2
• Solid layers Top: 2
• Solid layers Bottom: 2
• Sparse infill density: 15%
• Sparse infill pattern: Gyroid
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P2
• Perimeters: 2
• Solid layers Top: 2
• Solid layers Bottom: 2
• Fill density: 15%
• Fill pattern: Gyroid
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P2

The Profile P3 is ONLY possible with Cura because it uses the experimental function SURFACE MODE. There are other slicers that have similar functions, but you have to expect that the results are slightly different from Cura and partly not usable. For this profile we recommend to use Cura version 4.12.1. With newer versions there may be errors in slicing.
Select your CURA profile P1 and change the following settings:
• Horizontal Expansion: 0
• Infill Before Walls: unchecked
• Enable Retraction: checked
• Retract Distance: shorten to half way
• Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0.3 (if there are holes after the z-seam, increase this value)
• Combing Mode: Off
• Union Overlapping Volumes: NOT checked
• Surface Mode: Surface
• Slicing Tolerance: Middle
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P3
For P3, the nozzle temperature should be slightly higher, 225 to 230° (Fan max 20%) to achieve good adhesion. The printing speed should be a maximum of 40 to 60 mm/s.
With P3-STL, Cura sometimes displays an error message (... missing extraneous surfaces ...) The reason for this is that these parts use the experimental surface mode and are not built as solids, but as open surfaces. Please ignore this! NEVER use any repair program with our STL!

The Profile P4 is only used for flexible TPU parts. You can print them with all slicers.
Select your profile P1, change the filament type to TPU and change the following settings:
• Wall Line Count: 2
• Top Layers: 3
• Bottom Layers: 3
• Infill Density: 15 %
• Infill Pattern: Gyroid
• Speed and Temp: (According to the TPU manufacturer's recommendation)
• Combing Mode: All
• Union Overlapping Volumes: checked
Save the profile with the name PLANEPRINT P4
• Perimeters: 2
• Solid layers Top: 3
• Solid layers Bottom: 3
• Sparse infill density: 15 %
• Sparse infill pattern: Gyroid
• Speed and Temp: (According to the TPU manufacturer's recommendation)
• Avoid crossing walls: checked
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P4
• Perimeters: 2
• Solid layers Top: 3
• Solid layers Bottom: 3
• Fill density: 15 %
• Fill pattern: Gyroid
• Speed and Temp: (According to the TPU manufacturer's recommendation)
• Avoid crossing perimeters: checked
Save it as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P4

The Profile P5 is the basis of our new models and is used exclusively with LW-PLA (foaming, not pre foamed). It can theoretically be printed with any slicer that offers a GYROID infill. LW-PLA has the property of constantly foaming in the Nozzle. Therefore, other settings of Cura are important, which specifically feed more filament after long travel paths to avoid areas with too thin walls. We have only tested this with Cura and Prusa Slicer, but it is quite possible to achieve good results in other slicers.
For the PROFILE P5 it is essential to use Cura Version 5 or later, It will work with
older versions, but the weight of the parts will be higher and the printing time longer.
Select your profile P1 and change the following settings:
• Wall Line Count: 1
• Print Thin Walls: unchecked
• Top Layers: 3
• Bottom Layers: 2
• Infill Density: 6 %
• Infill Before Walls: unchecked
• Infill Pattern: Gyroid
• Speed and Temp: max 50 to 60 mm/s, 230° to 240°
• Flow (all menu items): 50 % (may vary depending on the printer)
• Retract Distance: 0.1 mm
• Retract at Layer Change: checked
• Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 1 (or more if holes appear after the Z-seam)
• Retraction Minimum Travel: 30 mm
• Combing Mode: All
• Travel Speed: As fast as possible with your printer
• Fan Speed: 40 %
• Union Overlapping Volumes: checked
Save the profile as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P5
• Wall loops: 1
• Top shell layers: 3
• Bottom shell layers: 2
• Seam position: Back
• Sparse infill density: 6 %
• Sparse infill pattern: Gyroid
• Maximum infill anchor length: 2 mm
• Walls printing order: Outer/Inner
• Maximum length of the infill anchor: 2 mm
• Speed and Temp: max 30 to 50 mm/s, 230° to 240°
• Flow ratio*: 0.5 (may vary depending on the printer)
• Fan Speed*: 40 %
• Retraction length*: 0.1 mm
• Extra length on restart*: 0.7 (or more if holes appear after the Z-seam)
• Retract on layer change*: checked
• Avoid crossing walls: checked
• Travel (Speed for non-print moves): As fast as possible with your printer
Save the profile as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P5
• Perimeters: 1
• Solid layers Top: 3
• Solid layers Bottom: 2
• Seam position: Rear or Aligned see Info
• Fill density: 6 %
• Fill pattern: Gyroid
• Length of the infill anchor: 2 mm
• Infill before perimeters: unchecked
• Maximum length of the infill anchor: 2mm
• Speed and Temp: max 30 to 50 mm/s, 230° to 240°
• Extrusion multiplier*: 0.5 (may vary depending on the printer)
• Fan Speed*: 40 %
• Retraction length*: 0.1 mm
• Retract on layer change*: checked
• Deretraction extra length*: 0.2 (or more if holes appear after the Z-seam)
• Minimum travel after retraction: 0 mm
• Avoid crossing perimeters: checked
• Travel (Speed for non-print moves): As fast as possible with your printer
Save the profile as a new profile with the name PLANEPRINT P5
* These settings should be made for “Filaments”
With this data you can calibrate your printer perfectly and test our profiles.
PLANEPRINT Profile P5 for Prusa Slicer and MK4S
(updated 2025-1-20)
saved as Cura projects to open in Cura.
Here you can find a collection of user profiles from our Facebookgroup.
FAQ – Here are some tips for printing
If you need support, please contact us only by email to with your order number or choose our Facebook group Planeprint Pilots. Support requests will no longer be answered on other channels such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram or Whatsapp.
Before you do any profile settings activate a completely NEW CURA-Profile!
Measure the diameter of your filament in several places and enter the actual diameter in Cura. With that, we no longer have problems with sub-extrusion.
Before you begin to print and build everytime download the LATEST manual from our website!
To print an airplane only use a new, high quality PLA filament, we do not recommend any other material.