Fully 3D printable RC airplane designed and developed by René Marschall
Wingspan: 1370 mm (53.9 inches)
Flight weight: 2030 grams (4S/4200MaH)
Wingload: 67g/dm2
8 or 9-channel
Motorization: EDF 70 mm, 4S or 6S
Material: PLA 1500g/TPU VarioShore 50g
Printer space of 200x200x200 mm (cube) needed!
NOTE Slicing only works with CURA! look here why…

The Fouga Magister is a 1950s French two-seat jet trainer aircraft, developed and manufactured by French aircraft manufacturer Fouga.The initial design was evaluated by the French Air Force and, in response to its determination that the aircraft lacked sufficient power for its requirements, was enlarged and adopted a pair of Turbomeca Marboré turbojet engines.
First flying on 23 July 1952. While primarily operated as a trainer aircraft, the Magister was also frequently used in combat as a close air support platform by various operators.
During the development of the Planeprint Fouga Magister, we paid the greatest attention to effective airflow for the EDF drive from the very beginning. After extensive testing of different air ducts, we have found a setting with very little power loss, so that already with a 4S drive very good aerobatic performance is possible.
To achieve the best possible flight performance, we opted for a semi-scale concept. This means that we have changed some dimensions a bit, for example a slightly steeper angle of the V-tail and slightly larger air intakes. Nevertheless, and because of the many details on the surface, our plane looks very similar to the big original.


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