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3d printing profiles


Fully 3D printable RC Aircraft designed and developed by René Marschall

  • Wingspan: 1600 mm (63 inches)

  • Flight weight: 2400 grams

  • Wingload: 56g/dm2

  • 7 channel (8 with towing function)

  • Motorization: 3S, 4S

  • Material: LW-PLA 900g/PLA 350g/TPU 100g

  • Printer space of 200x200x200 mm (cube) needed!

Planeprint Cub

The PLANEPRINT CUB represents the current technical pinnacle of our development.


Despite its relatively low weight, it has been uncompromisingly designed for everyday use. The aerodynamic design with a high-lift airfoil ensures good-natured and slow flight characteristics and STOL properties. This is also supported by very effective slotted landing flaps and vortex generators on the top of the wing.

A special highlight is the newly developed, spring-loaded main gear. The spring box is completely housed in the fuselage. Nevertheless, the PLANEPRINT CUB has a wide speed range and is fully aerobatic thanks to the large ailerons and stable construction.

There is also a tow coupling to get gliders into the air. With these features, the PLANEPRINT CUB is the ideal RC plane all-rounder and looks fantastic thanks to many beautiful details and the easy-to-build crystal-clear canopy.

The PLANEPRINT CUB is a classic for every flying day!

Planerprint Cub plan


Download our free PRINTING & ASSEMBLING MANUAL, here you can see exactly what to expect before you decide to buy the STL data.

manual-Planeprint Cub

PDF MANUAL V1.5 free for download

We are constantly improving the manuals. Check if you have the latest version.


Here are some new spare parts for your CUB. It's worth taking a look …

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